XC Countdown 2014

XC COUNTDOWN: #29 Texas A&M Women

XC COUNTDOWN: #29 Texas A&M Women

Jul 31, 2014 by FloTrack Staff
XC COUNTDOWN: #29 Texas A&M Women

Wendel McRaven (4th Year)

Last Year:
2nd SEC
3rd South Central Region
No NCAA Appearance
Probable Top Five:
SR Grace Fletcher (9:27 3k; 16:10 5k; 35:39 10k; 25th SC Region) 
SR Hillary Montgomery (9:28 3k; 16:19 5k; 34:01 10k)
SO Karis Jochen (9:45 3k; 16:48 5k; 34:41 10k)
SO Katie Willard (2:07 800m; 4:39 1500m; 64th SC Region)
SO Ashley Chamberlain (2:11 800m; 4:35 1500m) 
Impact Freshman/Recruits:
Devin Norton - Denton-Guyer, TX (10:57 3200m; 9th Texas State XC '13)
When Coach Wendel McRaven, made his sojourn south to A&M, he had to know two things:
1-With the powerhouse track program that A&M produces year after year, there would probably not be a lot of money for distance runners.
2- That he has the whole great big state of Texas to recruit from!
And this he has done. All but one girl on his 20 woman roster last year was from Texas.
So hats off to Wendel. He has fashioned a team of Texans (and there are a ton of schools that compete for Texas talent, both in and out of the state), that  should make it out of the South Central region in 2014.

Two seniors, Grace Fletcher and Hillary Montgomery will be leading the way. With a 16:10 5k for Fletcher on the track last year and Montgomery showing some strength with her 34:01, they are the two leaders McRaven can count on for some low sticks, at least low enough to get to Terre Haute.

The rest of the team is young, with three sophomores and their top recruit rounding out the rest of his crew. Sophomore Karis Jochens’s best performance was her 34:41 for 10k on the track last year, and that should carry her on to a good fall season. Fellow Sophs Katie Willard and Ashley Chamberlain hope to add some strength to their 800 wheels(2:07 and 2:11 respectively) so that 6k comes more easily for them this year.

Is their impact freshman Devin Norton (10:57 for 3200 and 9th in the Texas state cross meet last year) better than the upperclass women? If she is, this team could be one to look out for in the South Central come November.

#29 Men's Team - Tulsa
#30 Women's Team - BYU