Flopinions - Fantasy Marathon

Flopinions - Fantasy Marathon

Sep 19, 2007 by Nathan Shopay
Flopinions - Fantasy Marathon
As my first article for FloTrack I will be sure to make it brief and full of semi-coherent ramblings. Fall is here and that means one thing... Fantasy Olympic Trials Marathon Draft. All across America office pools are being created and marathon fans of all ages are gathering on weekends in basements to pick their dream team. Each day millions log on to ESPN.com where they can click the “Countdown to NYC” banner on the top of the page (sponsored by Brooks line up of fall weather proof jackets), and check the status of their favorite runner. They can see how Hall’s workouts are coming? Check if Meb has any injuries? Or take a tour of Culpepper’s “Crib”? (Paid for by the 2008 Lexus RS Hybrid) With its cute little slogan of “Because the only thing on the planet more efficient than the new Lexus RS…is Alan” Ok, Maybe none of that is true, and ESPN would most likely highlight YMCA one-armed vending machine tipping before most running events, but it doesn’t mean we running fans can’t dream. How great would it be if America’s 10 best men and women were multi-millionaire/celebrities thanks to sponsors? How much better would they be? How many talented others would begin aspiring to be runners instead of a different sport? Sure this isn’t a new question, just a confounding one. Hundreds of thousands of Americans run and compete in this country each year, the interest in the sport is there, it just needs the support of a few major media sources. Same argument can be made for soccer, but soccer is already on the rise. With the Olympics coming up, the timing for running couldn’t be better. FloTrack has already begun a major change, it’s our job to get others interested in it! The trials marathon on November 3rd is shaping up to be the best American marathon ever. The field it stacked. Some say there are only 10 runners who truly have a chance to qualify, I like to think there are at least another 20 sitting at home saying, “That day I ran 2:19, It was raining, I worked a 50 hour week, and I had a bad breakfast burrito at 4 AM! I’m going be the dark horse!” Plus, its no longer just a race for the “matured runner” or the guy who can’t hit his 10K goals, a variety of ages and types of runners are in this race because they want to be. More running fans can relate with this broader field. That being said, my hope is that every single person runs to be in the top 3. Sure its not realistic but wouldn’t it be fun to see a lead pack of 25 at the half way mark? Go till you drop. No prize for 4th place. If anything it will make for good TV and get on YouTube. I imagine the scenario something like this. Two guys at the coffee machine Monday. Guy 1: Did you see that race on Saturday? Guy 2: NASCAR? Guy 1: No, the marathon. Guy 2: Jerry Lewis? Guy 1: At mile marker 19, (Insert an underdog) passed out mid stride but was saved when he landed in a pile of NYC garbage! That sport is brutal, marathoners are my new heroes. I wonder who sponsors him so I can buy whatever it is, even if I don’t need it? Guy 2: What’s a mile marker? See, If one out of every two people took an interest, all distance runners would be making the minimum salary of the NBA, roughly $427,163 a year as of 2007. A number that if rationed out properly, buys around $1.2 million bags of Top Ramen and 2 pairs of Asics Kayanos. Nothing else is needed. The best or worst part of this race, depending if you are running in it or not is the fact that the course itself will be a spectators course; One four-mile circuit followed by four identical five-mile circuits. There will be no reason for the network or commentators to miss mile splits and ignore 95% of the field. Unless of course you are (Insert TV station) and do it on purpose… another article) Now more than ever is the time to get people excited! Tell everyone you know to watch it. Hype it up! We are less than 2 months away! At this point Over 150 runners have qualified on the Men’s side, and another 120 Plus for the women. Check them out at the sites below, memorize them all, and put a pool together at your office. If anything it will get people asking “How far is a marathon?” or “Why would anyone want to run that far?” You can be the one to answer them, change their view on running, and convince them to wake up and watch THE GREATEST AMERICAN MARATHON EVER! (This should echo as it’s said) http://www.usatf.org/events/2008/OlympicTrials-Marathon-men/entry/eligible.asp http://www.usatf.org/events/2008/OlympicTrials-Marathon-women/entry/eligible.asp -Nate