Webb to UVA : Bogus?

Webb to UVA : Bogus?

Apr 14, 2011 by Ryan From Flotrack
Webb to UVA : Bogus?
UPDATE : The drama continues, as it now looks like the development between UVA and Webb may have been originally misreported.  Here is the latest release, a recount of the recent rumors by Webb's agent Ray Flynn ...


By David Monti

(c) 2011 Race Results Weekly, all rights reserved


(14-Apr) -- Alan Webb's longtime manager Ray Flynn called a story published yesterday which reported that Webb had chosen the University of Virginia's Jason Vigilante to coach him "totally bogus."  The story was posted on the website of the American Running Association (AmericanRunning.org).


"The Nearman story quotes nobody," Flynn said through a text message to Race Results Weekly, referring to the writer, Steve Nearman.  "And at this stage is totally bogus."


Webb, 28, the American record holder for the mile, amicably separated from coach Alberto Salazar last month and has been interviewing potential coaches.  Vigilante is a candidate, Flynn confirmed, but he said that Webb has not yet made a final decision.


"Alan is still in the process of deciding who to work with," Flynn explained.  "While he has made a visit to Charlottesville [where the University of Virginia is located], it is not the only visit he has made.  He is still in the process of carefully evaluating his options.  The information released in that article that he has made any decision is inaccurate."


Webb had Achilles surgery in December, 2009, and spent 2010 under Salazar slowly regaining his form.  He had an abbreviated track season last summer, running two races at both 800m and 1500m, and one 5000m.  He also ran two road races in the fall, finishing fourth at the Fifth Avenue Mile in New York, and second at the Applied Materials Silicon Valley Turkey Trot 5-K in San Francisco.  He has competed in three track races so far in 2011, running a mile and a 3000m indoors, and a 1500m outdoors in Australia.


We have spoken to coach Jason Vigilante at the University of Virginia and he has reported that the plans of Alan Webb coming to Virginia are not true as of yet.  He did say that he and Alan have met, but no decision has been made. Steve Nearman's story is not from info that was received by Vig, Webb or Webb's agent Ray Flynn. The story was also sent out via email by Race Results Weekly ...  that is where we first heard of the article.

For now, Vig said Alan is not in a rush to make a decision. We will keep you updated ...

Alan Webb has made final plans to be coached by University of Virginia's Jason Vigilante.  Vig is a guy we suspected along with James Li at University of Arizona.  Alan Webb will move back to his home state of Virginia to train and get ready to for the 2011 World Championships, followed by the 2012 Olympic Games.  Webb, if he chooses to become a volunteer assistant or grad assistant, will have the ability to train with Virgini'a Robby Andrews who won the NCAA Indoor 800 meter title as a freshman in 2010.

Currently it is believed that Alan Webb is no longer with Nike, but is in process of negoiating a deal with his former shoe company along with one other brand, as reported by Steve Nearman who was first to break the news.  

Read the full article by Steve Nearman here.