Hobie Call: Sub 2 Hour Marathoner?

Hobie Call: Sub 2 Hour Marathoner?

Jul 10, 2012 by Ryan Sterner
Hobie Call: Sub 2 Hour Marathoner?
If you haven't heard of Hobie Call yet, you've saved yourself a lot of sleepless nights, because since I've heard of Mr. Call and his outlandish claims of sub 2-hour marathoning, I've spent many-a-night listlessly gnashing on my pillow in sheer rage.

Here's the lowdown on Hobie Call: he's 35. He lives in Utah. He holds the record for fastest mile while lunging (24:56). And a few times he's won one of those obstacle course races where you jump over flames and solve jigsaw puzzles. He also bolsters personal bests in the marathon of 2:16, 5k of 14:01 and mile in 3:57. However, there are stipulations to those times, as the marathon and 5k were net downhill races and the mile occured on a training run. Suspect, to say the least.

Now, in an attempt to legitimize himself as one of America's great crazies, he is claiming that he can be the first man to run a marathon below the ever fabled two hour mark. That's a cool 4:34 per mile pace. Ain't no thang.

To get a better idea of what makes this man tick read over the interview he did with Runnersworld. A fantastically defensive, borderline neurotic look at what kind of screws are loose in poor Hobie Call's noggin.

Take a peak: Hobe Call, Would - Be Sub- 2:00 Marathoner (Courtesy of RunnersWorld)