2013 NYC Half-Marathon

Meb Keflezighi Out of NYC Half Marathon

Meb Keflezighi Out of NYC Half Marathon

Mar 12, 2013 by Christopher Chavez
Meb Keflezighi Out of NYC Half Marathon
New York Road Runners has announced that Meb Keflezighi will not be able to run at the 2013 New York City Half Marathon on Sunday due to calf tightness. The injury has been nagging the 2009 New York City Marathon champion for the last week and Coach Bob Larsen has decided to pull him from the race. 

The New York City Half Marathon was just a tune up for Keflezighi on his road to the 2013 Boston Marathon on April 15. 

In a statement to New York Road Runners, Keflezighi said that he spent the last few weeks away from his family and training in San Diego. 

In January, Keflezighi pulled out of the Houston Half Marathon just months after Hurricane Sandy cancelled the 2012 New York City Marathon. The 2012 Olympic marathoner pulled out of Houston due to the flu. Back then, he told Flotrack that he could run the half-marathon distance, but it would not be as intense. His health is his top priority and does not want any setbacks for April. 

Keflezighi has not raced more than a half-marathon distance since the 2012 Olympic marathon. He finished fourth in 2:11.06 behind Uganda's Stephen Kiprotich and Kenya's Abel Kirui and Wilson Kipsang. 

The New York City Half-Marathon elite will miss Keflezighi, but it will not be short-handed. Still slated to run are Kipsang, Dathan Ritzenhein, Abdi Abdirahman, and Bernard Lagat. Lagat will be making his debut at the 13.1 mile distance. 

Flotrack will be on hand for the action with live updates on Twitter. The race starts at 7:30 a.m. ET.

Here is the video of Keflezighi speaking about his health and plans after withdrawing from the Houston Half Marathon. 

Chris Chavez is a Flotrack contributor and journalism major at Marquette Univerity. Be sure to follow him on Twitter for more updates.