FloStopwatch v1.1.0 released

FloStopwatch v1.1.0 released

Oct 19, 2013 by Brad Aagaard
FloStopwatch v1.1.0 released

We are pleased to announce the latest release of the FloStopwatch app for iOS devices. This is an important release with cross-country season in full swing. This version

  • updates the app for iOS 7,
  • fixes issues that caused crashes when splitting more than a few athletes,
  • improves Twitter integration using the iOS interface,
  • and provides feedback to the user when saving splits and connecting to Twitter.

Motivation behind FloStopwatch

For distance races, especially those targeting championship qualifying standards, real-time information information about splits, pacing, and separation between runners significantly enhances the spectator experience.  Unfortunately, announcers often only provide information about the race leader and rarely provide projected finish times. This leaves spectators in the dark about runners off the lead pack.

Real-time splits and projected finish times are now common for most large marathons, but the difficulty and expense of chip and bib timing on a track has limited its use in coverage of track distance races. Splits from photofinish systems as part of the results for all runners are more becoming a little more common, but this information is rarely provided in real time. FloStopwatch makes it possible for anyone attending any meet to use an iPhone or other iOS device to generate this type of information and broadcast it via Twitter.

We have used the FloStopwatch app extensively in our broadcasts of the distance races at the Stanford Invitational and Payton Jordan Invitational for the past three years to keep fans informed of splits and projected finish times for not only the lead pack but those that drift back from the lead group as well. This technology replaces carrying around a book or stacks of paper with pacing tables, that only apply to 200m or 400m tracks, with an app that provides splits, pacing, and projected finish times for standard and nonstandard lap distances, including the steeplechase, on a device you probably already have in your pocket.

FloStopwatch allows you to split multiple athletes with the average lap and a projected finish time for each athlete updated every lap. In addition, you can also get real-time projected finish times for any athlete as they cross the start or finish line.

Ways to use FloStopwatch

The app targets a broad range of users with different interests in watching a cross-country or track distance race.

Record splits for multiple runners. The app permits splitting up to 625 athletes, so the number of runners you can split is really only limited by your ability to identify and press the appropriate split button. You can save the splits for viewing later and distribute them via email or Twitter.
Share how well your child is doing in a race in real-time with friends and family members. The projected finish time eliminates the need to estimate the finish time based on lap splits.
Get detailed split information and projected finish times in real-time for your favorite athletes. Coordinate with other spectators to follow even more runners.
Double-check the lap counter by following the projected finish of the race leader.


We welcome feedback on how to make FloStopwatch even better. If you encounter problems, please complete the FloStopwatch Feedback Form at the bottom of the FloStopwatch page. In my next article, I will discuss some hints for getting the most out of the FloStopwatch app.