Cross Country Season on Flotrack 2013

All-Region Honorees in Division II Announced

All-Region Honorees in Division II Announced

Nov 11, 2013 by FloTrack Staff
All-Region Honorees in Division II Announced

All-Region Honorees in Division II Announced

By Kyle Terwillegar, USTFCCCA

November 11, 2013   


NEW ORLEANS – More than 390 Division II student-athletes were recognized Monday as All-Region honorees by U.S. Track & Field and Cross Country Coaches Association (USTFCCCA) following the weekend’s NCAA regional championship meets.

Those runners of USTFCCCA member schools who finished top-25 individually at one of the eight regional sites across the country earned the honor, 394 in total.

DII Regional Championship Central | DII National Championship Central

Four men’s teams and two women’s teams put seven runners on the All-Region list. On the men’s side, RMAC rivals Western State and Adams State, Edinboro and Augustana (S.D.) each came away with seven honorees. Grand Valley State and the Adams State both featured seven All-Region runners on the women’s side.

In terms of conferences, the men’s teams in the PSAC — led by Edinboro’s seven and Lock Haven’s six — was tops with 24 honorees, followed closely by the RMAC with 22 behind Adams State and Western State.

The PSAC also topped the list of women’s conferences with 24 honorees and 13 different schools represented, followed by the GLIAC (21) and the RMAC (18).

The NCAA Division II Cross Country Championships will be held November 23 in Spokane, Wash., hosted by the GNAC at the Plantes Ferry Athletic Complex. The meet will be broadcast live online at

Regional rankings are final based on the results of the regional championships, and the final regular-season Division II National Coaches Polls will be released Wednesday. Additionally, regional athletes and coaches of the year will be announced Tuesday.


Name Year School Region
Nicolas Rifflard Jr. Academy of Art West
Kevin Batt So. Adams State South Central
Julian Florez So. Adams State South Central
Jovanny Godinez Sr. Adams State South Central
Naseem Haje Sr. Adams State South Central
Kyle Masterson So. Adams State South Central
Quin Ralston Fr. Adams State South Central
Tabor Stevens Jr. Adams State South Central
Connor Dolan Jr. Adelphi East
Nicholas Filippazzo Jr. Adelphi East
Joey Bemowski Sr. Alabama-Huntsville South
Blaise Binns Jr. Alabama-Huntsville South
Jose Ortega Jr. Alabama-Huntsville South
Dylan Anthony Jr. Alaska Anchorage West
Isaac Kangogo Jr. Alaska Anchorage West
Kevin Rooke Jr. Alaska Anchorage West
Victor Samoei Fr. Alaska Anchorage West
Mike Biwott So. American International East
John Chirchir Fr. American International East
Brian Baum Jr. Ashland Midwest
Charlie Michel Fr. Ashland Midwest
Anthony Fiermonte Jr. Assumption East
Adam Braun Jr. Augustana (S.D.) Central
TJ Gleason Jr. Augustana (S.D.) Central
Harald Karbo So. Augustana (S.D.) Central
Tom Karbo Sr. Augustana (S.D.) Central
John Klecker So. Augustana (S.D.) Central
Jordan Slusser Sr. Augustana (S.D.) Central
Paul Yak Sr. Augustana (S.D.) Central
Robert Sandlin Sr. Bellarmine Midwest
Tim Gill Sr. Belmont Abbey Southeast
Mitch Kraft Sr. Black Hills State South Central
Tyler Dutchover Jr. Cal Baptist West
Bryton Reim Jr. Cal Baptist West
John Carrell Sr. Cal Poly Pomona West
Ryan Carrell Sr. Cal Poly Pomona West
John Dominguez So. Cal Poly Pomona West
Mark Huizar Fr. Cal Poly Pomona West
Aaron Dinzeo Jr. California (Pa.) Atlantic
Matt Brooker Sr. Cedarville Midwest
Joe Niemiec Sr. Cedarville Midwest
Ben Tuttle Jr. Cedarville Midwest
Laban Sialo Sr. Central Missouri Central
Tyler Stuber Sr. Central Missouri Central
Adam Tredway Jr. Central Missouri Central
Isaac Chavez Sr. Chico State West
Alfonso Cisneros Sr. Chico State West
Phil Graber Sr. Chico State West
Dayne Gradone Sr. Chico State West
Johnny Sanchez Jr. Chico State West
Job Kemboi So. Clayton State Southeast
Derek Alcorn Jr. Colorado Mines South Central
Andrew Epperson Sr. Colorado Mines South Central
Phil Schneider Jr. Colorado Mines South Central
Jacob Dirkman So. Columbus State Southeast
Ryan McFall So. Columbus State Southeast
Scott Litts Jr. Dowling East
Mikey Davila Jr. Eastern New Mexico South Central
Bryan Deibel Sr. Edinboro Atlantic
Bart Eckel Sr. Edinboro Atlantic
Logan Kempney So. Edinboro Atlantic
Matt Link Jr. Edinboro Atlantic
Elliott Martynkiewicz So. Edinboro Atlantic
Tim McConnell Sr. Edinboro Atlantic
Michael Thielman Sr. Edinboro Atlantic
David Silversmith Sr. Ferris State Midwest
Corey Mundy Jr. Flagler Southeast
Bobby Ormsby Fr. Florida Southern South
Jose Perez So. Florida Southern South
David Tomchinsky Sr. Florida Southern South
Chris Trebilcock Sr. Florida Southern South
Chris Yanichko Sr. Florida Southern South
Justin Mcmaster Jr. Florida Tech South
Cory Keehn Jr. Fort Hays State Central
Christian Gering Jr. Fort Lewis South Central
Antoine Gisore Jr. Franklin Pierce East
Makopa Rugabirwa So. Franklin Pierce East
BJ Smith Fr. Franklin Pierce East
Chad Cini So. Grand Valley State Midwest
Kyle Flores So. Grand Valley State Midwest
Chris May Fr. Grand Valley State Midwest
Alan Peterson Jr. Grand Valley State Midwest
Brent Showerman Sr. Grand Valley State Midwest
Jaiden Brandt Sr. GRU Augusta Southeast
Preston Jones So. GRU Augusta Southeast
Dustin Ross Sr. GRU Augusta Southeast
Andrew Evans Sr. Harding Central
Victor Costello Sr. Indiana (Pa.) Atlantic
Clint Keller Sr. Indiana (Pa.) Atlantic
Nick Patton Sr. Indiana (Pa.) Atlantic
Alex Cushman Jr. Indianapolis Midwest
Craig Jordan Sr. Indianapolis Midwest
Tanner Cook Fr. King Southeast
Spencer Frantom Sr. King Southeast
Jordan Noe Jr. King Southeast
Brent Swiney So. King Southeast
Zach Fleming Sr. Kutztown Atlantic
Andrew Mclain Sr. Lewis Midwest
Joseph Lasher Jr. LIU Post East
Matthew O’Keefe Sr. LIU Post East
Alex Diltz So. Lock Haven Atlantic
Matt Guiod So. Lock Haven Atlantic
Alex Monroe Sr. Lock Haven Atlantic
Dylan Mountain So. Lock Haven Atlantic
Korey Replogle Fr. Lock Haven Atlantic
Ben Robinson So. Lock Haven Atlantic
Alex Griggs So. Mars Hill Southeast
David Jones Fr. Mars Hill Southeast
Blake DeLong Sr. McKendree Midwest
Nick Christensen So. Merrimack East
Kirk Harvey Sr. Metro State South Central
Nick Kadlec Jr. Metro State South Central
Jani Lane So. Michigan Tech Midwest
Dan Nielsen Jr. Minnesota Duluth Central
Brad Chronister Sr. Missouri S&T Midwest
Jacob Benton Sr. Missouri Southern Central
Eric Schott Jr. Missouri Southern Central
Adrian Todd Jr. Missouri Southern Central
Chris Wilder So. Morehouse South
Eugenio Gil Fr. Mount Olive Southeast
Stephen Greco So. Mount Olive Southeast
Akiharu Kitagawa So. Mount Olive Southeast
Dylan Lafond So. Mount Olive Southeast
Austin Steagall Jr. Mount Olive Southeast
Jacob Urys Fr. Mount Olive Southeast
Kevin Carder Sr. Neb.-Kearney Central
Nick Knudson Sr. Neb.-Kearney Central
Henrique Chavez Sr. New Mexico Highlands South Central
Brett Morley Sr. North Greenville Southeast
Ahmad Nesbitt So. North Greenville Southeast
Timo Kilp Sr. Nova Southeastern South
Long Tran Sr. Nova Southeastern South
Wade White Fr. Nova Southeastern South
Eric Lacy Jr. Philadelphia East
Tim Malloy Jr. Philadelphia East
Adam Volkert Sr. Pittsburg State Central
Felix Duchampt Jr. Queens (N.C.) Southeast
Niclas Bez Fr. Saint Leo South
Carl Dunne So. Saint Leo South
Valentin Lenz So. Saint Leo South
Rafal Matuszczak Fr. Saint Leo South
Bruk Assefa Sr. SF State West
Benji Preciado Fr. SF State West
Brayden Burleigh Jr. Shippensburg Atlantic
Bernard England Jr. Shippensburg Atlantic
Nicholas Libbi So. Shippensburg Atlantic
Austin McGinley So. Shippensburg Atlantic
Oliver Jorgensen Fr. Simon Fraser West
Robert Brockmueller Jr. Sioux Falls Central
William Brockmueller Jr. Sioux Falls Central
Matt Horan So. Sioux Falls Central
Morgan Elliott Sr. Slippery Rock Atlantic
Alex Koksal Sr. Slippery Rock Atlantic
Asher Brandt Sr. Southern Connecticut East
Dieter Gutbrod So. Southern Connecticut East
Paul Ryskowski Sr. Southern Connecticut East
Johnnie Guy So. Southern Indiana Midwest
Josh Guy So. Southern Indiana Midwest
Noah Lutz Fr. Southern Indiana Midwest
Tyler Pence Jr. Southern Indiana Midwest
Cody Stone So. Southern Indiana Midwest
Cody Smith Jr. Southwest Baptist Central
Logan Barrett Jr. Saint Joseph’s (Ind.) Midwest
Michael Galonski Sr. St. Thomas Aquinas East
Stephen Leonard Sr. Stonehill East
Robert Massey So. Stonehill East
Bryan Wilcox Jr. Stonehill East
Daniel Zawalich Jr. Stonehill East
Geremy DeWitt So. Tampa South
David Cooper JR Tusculum Southeast
Tareq Alwafai So. UC San Diego West
Tanner Collins Jr. UC San Diego West
Shaun Henderson Sr. U-Mary Central
Chris Jessop So. U-Mary Central
Wilson Pearson Fr. UNC Pembroke Southeast
Nathinael Wondimu So. Valdosta State South
Irvin Wyche So. Wayne State (Mich.) Midwest
Cody Haden Jr. West Florida South
Nick Merrett Fr. West Florida South
Tim Wenger Fr. West Florida South
Dylan Doss Jr. West Texas A&M South Central
Steve Lagat Fr. West Texas A&M South Central
Michael Cernoia So. Western State South Central
Vegard Olstad So. Western State South Central
Bryon Puentes Jr. Western State South Central
Tyler Saiz So. Western State South Central
Michael Schmidt Sr. Western State South Central
Adam Sinda Jr. Western State South Central
Garrett Wilson Sr. Western State South Central
Isaac Griffith So. Western Washington West
Chip Jackson Sr. Western Washington West
Tabor Reedy Jr. Western Washington West
Nathan Richards Jr. Western Washington West
Luke Holubeck Sr. Wheeling Jesuit Atlantic
Jesus Amezquita So. Wilmington (Del.) East
Richie Mitten Jr. Wilmington (Del.) East
Mike O’Brian Sr. Wilmington (Del.) East



Name Year School Region
Kelly Lamb Sr. Adams State South Central
Lauren Martin Jr. Adams State South Central
Maura O’Brien Fr. Adams State South Central
Melissa Roberts So. Adams State South Central
Alyssa Selve Sr. Adams State South Central
Jenna Thurman Fr. Adams State South Central
Tayler Warren Jr. Adams State South Central
Betsy Eickelberg Sr. Adelphi East
Larissa Melendez Jr. Adelphi East
Michelle Kruse Jr. Alabama-Huntsville South
Kayla Luechtefeld So. Alabama-Huntsville South
Kasey Spence So. Alabama-Huntsville South
Kailey Williams Fr. Alabama-Huntsville South
Vicky Winslow Jr. Alabama-Huntsville South
Susan Bick Sr. Alaska Anchorage West
Joyce Kipchumba So. Alaska Anchorage West
Ivy O’Guinn Sr. Alaska Anchorage West
Susan Tanui Sr. Alaska Anchorage West
Alexandra Stasiuk Jr. American International East
Delainey Phelps Fr. Ashland Midwest
Kristin Brondbo Sr. Augustana (S.D.) Central
Meritxell Delga Do Jr. Augustana (S.D.) Central
Emily Frith Jr. Bellarmine Midwest
Ally Craven Sr. Belmont Abbey Southeast
Lucy Schmitz So. Belmont Abbey Southeast
Tara Dooley Jr. Bentley East
Ashley Nichols Sr. Bentley East
Amy Varsell Sr. Bentley East
Victoria Davis Sr. Bloomsburg Atlantic
Lauren Lehman Jr. Bloomsburg Atlantic
Natalie Ball Jr. Cal Baptist West
Rachel Naranjo Sr. Cal State Stanislaus West
Alexandra Zanella Jr. California (Pa.) Atlantic
Megan Glamann Jr. Central Missouri Central
Dani Eggleston So. Central Washington West
Connie Morgan Jr. Central Washington West
Stacy Girard Sr. Chadron State South Central
Rebekah Bahra So. Chico State West
Ayla Granados Sr. Chico State West
Sara Mikesell Sr. Chico State West
Megan Toddy Sr. Clarion Atlantic
Jessica Smith Jr. Clayton State Southeast
Racquel Valadez Jr. Clayton State Southeast
Regan Mullen So. Colorado Christian South Central
Chloe Gustafson Jr. Colorado Mines South Central
Moneque English Sr. Columbus State Southeast
Rayna Green So. Columbus State Southeast
Renee Usher Jr. Columbus State Southeast
Ashly Sutherland So. Converse Southeast
Kelsey Bruce Jr. Dallas Baptist South Central
Alyssa Liguori Sr. Dowling East
Kim Wernerspach Sr. East Stroudsburg Atlantic
Emily Ahrens Jr. Edinboro Atlantic
Kasey Jones So. Edinboro Atlantic
Sarah Krolick Sr. Edinboro Atlantic
Megan Maffett Jr. Edinboro Atlantic
Samantha Johnson Sr. Ferris State Midwest
Anna Rudd Sr. Ferris State Midwest
Sara Mund Fr. Flagler Southeast
Hanna Ramirez Jr. Flagler Southeast
Taylor Strekel Jr. Flagler Southeast
Inka Homeyer Fr. Florida Tech South
Veronica Bujdos So. Gannon Atlantic
Courtney Brewis Sr. Grand Valley State Midwest
Jordan Chester So. Grand Valley State Midwest
Kendra Foley Fr. Grand Valley State Midwest
Jessica Janecke So. Grand Valley State Midwest
Madie Rodts Jr. Grand Valley State Midwest
Molly Slavens Sr. Grand Valley State Midwest
Allyson Winchester Jr. Grand Valley State Midwest
Ewa Zaborowska Jr. Harding Central
Kristina Galat So. Hillsdale Midwest
Emily Oren So. Hillsdale Midwest
Kori Gilley Fr. Humboldt State West
Katie Koenig Sr. Indiana (Pa.) Atlantic
Rachel Magliane So. Indiana (Pa.) Atlantic
Samantha Thompson Sr. Indiana (Pa.) Atlantic
Hannah Witt Sr. King Southeast
Kristen Bonsor So. Lewis Midwest
Amanda Farrough Fr. Lewis Midwest
Twishana Williams Jr. Lincoln (Mo.) Central
Elizabeth Stirling So. LIU Post East
Gabriella Wuyke Jr. Lynn South
Sarah Meek So. Malone Midwest
Tina Oprean Sr. Malone Midwest
Sara Polatas Jr. Malone Midwest
Savannah Boucher Sr. Mansfield Atlantic
Lauren Norton Sr. Mansfield Atlantic
Jessica Scordino Sr. Mansfield Atlantic
Kristy Scordino Sr. Mansfield Atlantic
Jessica Viscusi Jr. Mars Hill Southeast
Fiona Coleman Sr. Merrimack East
Kristin Schmidt So. Merrimack East
Breanna Hemming Fr. Metro State South Central
Amy Johnston Jr. Metro State South Central
Janelle Lincks So. Metro State South Central
Ashley Flores Sr. Midwestern State South Central
Shannon Cruz Fr. Millersville Atlantic
Breanna Colbenson Fr. Minnesota Duluth Central
Hannah Olson So. Minnesota Duluth Central
Samantha Rivard Fr. Minnesota Duluth Central
Alexandra Rudin Jr. Minnesota Duluth Central
Dora Eastin So. Missouri Southern Central
Cheyenne Thompson Fr. Montevallo Southeast
Molly Montonye  So. MSU Moorhead Central
Victoria Acocella Sr. North Alabama South
Savannah Roland Fr. North Alabama South
Maggie Tindol Fr. North Georgia Southeast
Mary Kate Cirelli  So. Northern Michigan Midwest
Sasha Hovind Fr. Northern State Central
Natalie Evans Sr. Northwest Nazarene West
Danielle Miller Sr. Northwood (Mich.) Midwest
Peri Bowman Sr. Nova Southeastern South
Rose Howell Jr. Nova Southeastern South
Alexandria Palm Sr. Nova Southeastern South
Anne Herbert Jr. Northwest Missouri Central
Rebecca Wakeley So. Nyack East
Gladys Kimutai Jr. NYIT East
Taylor Falvey Jr. Philadelphia East
Alyssa Litty So. Philadelphia East
Hannah DeVries So. Pittsburg State Central
Jessica Macy Sr. Pittsburg State Central
Andrea Guerra Sr. Queens (N.C.) Southeast
Katharina Seelos Fr. Queens (N.C.) Southeast
Keely Gillespie Sr. USC Aiken Southeast
Jessica Reeves So. Saginaw Valley State Midwest
Emily Short Jr. Saginaw Valley State Midwest
Taylor Stepanski So. Saginaw Valley State Midwest
Andrea Maxwell Sr. Saint Leo South
Natalie McCormick Fr. Saint Leo South
Jelena Tancic Fr. Saint Leo South
Jordan Westcott Sr. Saint Rose East
Paxton Cota Jr. SF State West
McKayla Fricker So. Seattle Pacific West
Anna Patti So. Seattle Pacific West
Alyssa Brandis Fr. Seton Hill Atlantic
Jeannie Bujdos Jr. Seton Hill Atlantic
Casey Norton Fr. Shippensburg Atlantic
Heather Weiss Jr. Shippensburg Atlantic
Kirsten Allen Sr. Simon Fraser West
Rebecca Bassett Fr. Simon Fraser West
Lindsey Butterworth Sr. Simon Fraser West
Kansas Mackenzie So. Simon Fraser West
Sierra Harder Sr. Sioux Falls Central
Kara Styles Sr. Slippery Rock Atlantic
Erika Wilson Sr. Southern Indiana Midwest
Madeline Hayes Sr. Southern New Hampshire East
Laura O’Hanlon Fr. Southern New Hampshire East
Karissa Fisher Sr. Southwest Baptist Central
Briana Watson Jr. Southwest Baptist Central
Ashley Wolkomir Sr. Southwest Baptist Central
Sam Sunstrom Fr. St. Cloud State Central
Chelsea Bishop Sr. Stonehill East
Nicole Borofski Fr. Stonehill East
Elizabeth LaRegina Sr. Stonehill East
Emily Regan Sr. Stonehill East
Brittany Venturo Jr. Stonehill East
Chantell Blundell So. Tampa South
Claudia Cancello Fr. Tampa South
Kelly Hagan Sr. Tampa South
Danielle Kissel So. Tampa South
vanessa Righeimer Sr. Tampa South
Aly Coughlin Jr. Tarleton State South Central
Lindsey Hinton Sr. Tarleton State South Central
Brianna Ligotski So. USciences East
Marie Diaz So. UC San Diego West
Paige Hughes So. UC San Diego West
Jennifer Agnew Sr. U-Mary Central
Katelynn Engh Fr. U-Mary Central
Erin Leier Jr. U-Mary Central
Kyndal Boykin So. UNC Pembroke Southeast
Abby Culp Fr. UNC Pembroke Southeast
Kayla Gagnon Sr. Wayne State (Mich.) Midwest
Amanda Eisman So. West Chester Atlantic
Kelley Bahn Jr. West Florida South
Alexis Parnell Fr. West Florida South
Renea Porsch Sr. West Florida South
Sarah Smith Jr. West Florida South
Tiffany Wommack So. West Georgia South
Carley Glass Fr. West Texas A&M South Central
Mireia Guarner So. West Texas A&M South Central
Haley Sparks Jr. West Texas A&M South Central
Naomi Underwood Fr. West Virginia Wesleyan Atlantic
Annie Wade Jr. Western Oregon West
Anna Marshall Sr. Western State South Central
Cassandra Ortiz Sr. Western State South Central
Julie Pack So. Western State South Central
Amy Penn Fr. Western State South Central
Tara Richardson Jr. Western State South Central
Taylor Guenther So. Western Washington West
Katelyn Steen Jr. Western Washington West
Alyssa Johnson Fr. Wingate Southeast
Brianna Stevens Jr. Wingate Southeast
Brittany Tretbar Fr. Wingate Southeast
Keeley Wood Sr. Wingate Southeast
Jordan Skelly Jr. Winona State Central
Jessica Young Jr. Winona State Central