Friday Focus: Kate Avery

Friday Focus: Kate Avery

Nov 6, 2014 by Giovanni Reyes
Friday Focus: Kate Avery

In our weekly Q&A segment we asked Kate Avery a few questions about life on and off the course. We caught up with him before he headed out to the NCAA Championships.

Going into Regionals how has your mindset and training changed?

I wouldn't say my mind set has changed, I don't tend to change anything other than few less miles. Way I look at big races is, it's just running and I do that all the time so just ‘RUN’. (As fast as you can)

Describe your childhood dream.

There was a show at home called ‘Stars In Their Eyes’ which me and my Gran would watch every Saturday night. It's a show where people went on and got all done up to look like which singer they wanted to be, and perform one of there songs. Which I wanted to do, however at this time in my life I couldn't think of anything worse being center of attention and singing.

Describe your fondest race memory.

Easy. The Commonwealth Games. Doing the lap of honor after was just the most amazing experience I have ever had.

Describe the biggest difference between training in England and training in the U.S.

The team aspect, at home I have people to train with but we don't compete on the same team, just a very different set up.

Describe your worst habit.

Licking the spoon when baking.

After your stellar performance at the MAAC meet what can we expect from you for the rest of the season?

Regionals and Nationals, run like no one’s watching.

Describe the kind of kid you were in high school.

A tom boy. I played all sports with the boys. I didn't care how I looked and was very hyper. I am not one for studying. I would try and find any excuse not to study. In fact until I came to Iona I had never revised for a test.

If you had a day off from your everyday responsibilities, describe how you would spend it.

Lying on a beach with unlimited ice cream.

Describe your most embarrassing moment as an athlete.

My interview after the Commonwealth Games. The way I described it: ‘Me on crack’

Tell us about your favorite memory with one of your current or past training partners.

With Tony’s training group at home, someone decided it would be great to have a training weekend in Wales, in a caravan, in November. Safe to say it was freezing and wet and the caravans lacked heat. However it was such a laugh with the group I shared with it didn't matter about the sand dunes (which I have sworn I will NEVER do again) and the naff weather. That most likely added to the fun.

Describe the perfect post-race meal in detail.

Pepperoni pizza, followed by Ben and Jerry’s Baked Alaska Ice Cream.

Describe your favorite workout?

Anyone as long as I am feeling good.

Dream place to run or train and why?

Anywhere, where the sun is shining and there are good FLAT trails.

Who is your childhood hero and why?

It may be cliché, but my family. I have the most amazing Mam and Dad and Grandparents. They have always been there for me and supported me no matter what.

Describe your guilty pleasure.

Ice cream (trend from my answers). It's my weakness.

If you could give one piece of advice you think to any runner that is looking to compete in America for the first time, what would it be and why?

Even if you think you are prepared for it, you won’t be. (Towards the cross country in the states) Thrive from it, national cross here is just a fantastic event just to be able to be part of. Give it all you got. Can’t ask for any more than that.

Describe your favorite place to run or train.

The ‘Brache’ (World’s best training venue) a place in Luton where I have had a lot of sessions. My coach Tony Simmons is based there with what I call ‘The Motley Group.’ It's just the most random array of people training together, and they are all brilliant. There is some great flat grass to train on where you really can get rolling, also a loop on the road, which is my favorite as I love training on the road and track.

If you had to listen to one song in your head every time you ran for the rest of you life, what would it be?

"Gordon is a Moron" by Jilted John (Running joke with my Dad)

Dinner for 3 (living or dead) who and why?

Daniel (my boyfriend, so that’s a given) Bob Ashwood (Former coach who lost a fight to cancer) and parents (They come as one).

Describe your pre-race ritual.

Besides getting a tad grumpy (with my parents, they can do no right on race day) I am pretty chilled out before a race. May have a shake out early morning depending on the time of the race. Then just normal warm up.

What does racing/training look like for you in the next 6 months?

I am not one for planning things out 6 months in advance. Plans always seem to change with me. So I will just be seeing how training is going and go from there. With this said I will always have in mind the big championship events and for any runner I feel like this are always a goal.