Friday Focus: Kyle Merber

Friday Focus: Kyle Merber

Jan 22, 2015 by Giovanni Reyes
Friday Focus: Kyle Merber

A lot has happened these past few months tell us what it is like to be sponsored by Hoka One One and how they have helped you?

Life is great as a Hoka athlete. The shoes are changing the game, and I give a tremendous amount of credit to the new footwear for keeping me healthy the last 6 months. My body just aches less, and so I’ve been able to bump my mileage and stay consistent. It’s great being part of a company that is actively improving the sport by sponsoring athletes and meets. Hoka has provided me with the opportunity to fully chase the dream.

What is your most bizarre pet peeve?

Besides one-steppers? If my shoelaces are not evenly tied with the exact amount of pressure, then I am not running. I’ll often stop to retie my shoes 10 feet into a run. It needs to be perfect.

Tell us what it's like to be coached under Gags?

Gags makes the process fun. He’s a great coach, and his workouts and training philosophy fit in well with my own, and so it’s easy to believe in what we are doing. But his greatest asset is as a motivator. He makes you believe that you can do something, and he makes you want it more than you thought possible. He would probably have found success in any sport he coached. Luckily, he picked track.

What super hero would you trade lives with and why?

Iron Man, easily. He is a mega-genius billionaire who makes toys for a living. There’s no alter ego so everyone knows how awesome he is, and he gets to hangout with Scarlett Johansson.

Describe your childhood dream.

In my 6th grade yearbook, my dream job was to be a ‘Track Star.’ I don’t think I have reached that level yet, but I’ll keep trying. Before that, I was really into the idea of being a garbage man. I don’t think I have reached that level yet, but I’ll keep trying.

Describe your fondest race memory.

Winning HEPS cross-country with Columbia in 2009 lives on as my favorite race. Having a great race individually doesn’t compare to the energy of doing it with a team. Even as much as I hate running cross-country, there aren’t many things better than winning with your best friends.

Describe your worst habit.

According to my roommates, I don’t ‘pick up the seat’ and ‘there’s pee everywhere’ when I go to the bathroom.

Describe the kind of kid you were in high school.

I wasn’t prom king, but I was friends with him. My name was on the morning announcements a lot because of track, and most teachers liked me [except my physics teacher].

If you had a day off from your everyday responsibilities, describe how you would spend it.

I don’t even know what responsibilities I would be getting off from. I would probably run in the morning still, take a nap and read at a coffee shop. In between seasons, when I have a couple weeks of no responsibility, I always take road trips. But a one-day road trip doesn’t sound as fun.

Describe your most embarrassing moment as an athlete.

Missing the NCAA finals my senior year after running really fast a few weeks before. I was in great shape, but fighting injury and illness. Thanks for bringing it up!

Tell us about your favorite memory with one of your current or past training partners.

Well it definitely wasn’t the Penn Relays with Donn.

Describe the perfect post-race meal in detail.

Celebrating at Coogans after a good race at the Armory and there would definitely be karaoke.

What "Most Likely To" superlative would you be most honored to receive and why?

“Most likely to” go all-in on Final Jeopardy! because it means I finally made it onto the show and I’m brave.

Describe your favorite workout?

1200 at Mile Race Pace + 4 x 400 FAST

Who is your childhood hero and why?

I looked up to Jason, the Red Power Ranger, because he was a fearless leader and made for a good Halloween costume.

Describe your guilty pleasure.

Singing along to the ‘Pitch Perfect’ soundtrack.

If you could give one piece of advice to any runner that is looking to compete at the next level, what would it be and why?

Be consistent, and focus on improving yourself. If your times keep dropping little by little, the field will narrow and your goals will be within reach. No one day is going to drop your mile time by 5 seconds. It’s about staying healthy and not rushing the process. Fitness takes time.

Describe your favorite place to run or train.

Acadia National Park in Maine. I have spent quite a few summers training there, and the weather is always perfect. The trails are scenic and endless, and hilly enough if you want to run them, but easy enough to avoid. Plus, lobstah rolls.

Dinner with 3 (living or dead); who and why?

At first I planned on bringing my three favorite authors and having a good conversation. But then I thought this would be a stupid opportunity to pass up, so instead I thought of bringing three super hot girls. Though it’ll be difficult to juggle so many ladies. So maybe I’d bring just one hot girl, say Taylor Swift, and two guys that will make me look way better and bring us together in mutual disdain. So it’s me, Taylor Swift, Kim Jung Un and Hitler. But my girlfriend is probably going to read this interview, and she won’t like that response, so it’d be her, Taylor Swift, my teammate, Travis Mahoney and me. He’s a good guy, and I think we’d have a fun double date.

What story / novel do you think best describes your life right now and why?

‘The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy’ by Douglas Adams. It’s just wandering around the Universe looking for the right question.

Describe your pre-race ritual.

I try not to stay too attached to any specific ritual because circumstances don’t always allow it. Like when I was in Japan for a race and was told that the pre-race lunch would be provided. It ended up being a shrimp burger from McDonalds. But if I can get a nap and some coffee, I am pretty happy.

What does racing/training look like for you in the next 6 months?

I am in Flagstaff currently doing an altitude stint with some teammates. Then I am headed back east to race at the Armory, January 31st for a DMR. The rest of my indoor season will be Millrose and Nationals. Outdoors will be about hitting the standard, and then hopefully representing the US in Beijing.