Friday Focus: Demi Payne

Friday Focus: Demi Payne

Feb 12, 2015 by Giovanni Reyes
Friday Focus: Demi Payne

In our weekly Q&A segment we asked Demi Payne a few questions about life on and off the field. We caught up with her after she cleared the NCAA record at 4.75m! She is not only the owner of the current world-leading height but a recent mother.

You started off this year by breaking your record twice in New Mexico. Take us through your training and what you did to prepare.

As far as preparing for New Mexico, I’ve been preparing for this whole year since I found out I was going to be a mother. Throughout my pregnancy I was able to re-wire the way I thought about pole vaulting. I turned my fears into determination and the rest was history. In practice I focus on getting up to the biggest pole I can so when it comes time to take up a big pole in a meet, I’m not hesitant to blast through it.

Has your daughter influenced you in any way relating to your vaulting? 

Charlee is the reason why I’m doing what I’m doing right now. There’s not a second when I’m not thinking about her. She's turned my whole world upside down and has completely changed my focus. When I was vaulting for the University of Kansas I was doing it because I just kinda liked it- I'm vaulting today because I have someone looking at every step I take and I want her to be proud to call me her mother. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted something as bad as I want her to be proud of me. 

What is your most bizarre pet peeve?

My most bizarre pet peeve is probably people who pick their nose in public... I mean C'MON- like nobody wants to see that.

What super hero would you trade lives with and why?

I would probably trade lives with Aquaman because who wouldn't want to be a mermaid with superpowers?

Describe your childhood dream.

My childhood dream has always been to be the best in the world at something. It didn't mater to me what it was as long as my name was at the top.

Describe your fondest jump.

My fondest jump day was definitely my first competition after having Charlee. She was born October 22 and i was back on the runway about two months later competing in my first meet as a mother on December 28th at the Expo Explosion. It was a very empowering moment!

Describe your worst habit.

My worst habit is probably using a ridiculous amount of chalk when I jump. My hands (and uniform) can be completely covered in chalk, and if I see that the inside of my pinky is not chalked, I have to step off the runway and chalk up again. It’s definitely over the top.

Describe the kind of kid you were in high school.

I'd say I was a pretty good kid in high school. Made good grades and played varsity sports. I was pretty awkward though- I still am, but I’ve gotten better and I had absolutely no muscle, just a string bean walking the halls of New Braunfels High School.

If you had a day off from your everyday responsibilities, describe how you would spend it.

Gosh, I really don’t even know. I'm so used to trying to be supermom, juggling class and Charlee and pole vaulting. If I could take a day off from it all, I'd grab my fiance, and my pole vault bros, plus the best coach in the world, and pack in as much adrenaline junkie activities that I could. Probably start the day off with a couple cups of coffee and then go skydiving. Something along those lines.

Describe your most embarrassing moment as an athlete.

My senior year of high school after PRing at 13ft I decided Id look really awesome doing a back flip on the mat...except I bailed in the middle of it and nearly broke my neck #NeverAgain

Tell us about your favorite memory with one of your current or past training partners.

I’ve been blessed to train with some of the best teammates over the years that I could ever ask for. But at the beginning of this year the SFA pole vault crew, my coach, plus my fiance and father, went on a bad to the bone little fishing trip off the shore in Louisiana. We were catching fish left and right. It was awesome.

Describe the perfect post-meet meal in detail.

The perfect post meet meal would start off with never ending chips and queso, followed by a big juicy, medium-rare steak from Outback with a side of sweet potatoes, and ending with a birthday cake ice cream on a cone with sprinkles. Hey, ya girls gotta eat.

What "Most Likely To" superlative would you be most honored to receive and why?

Id feel most honored to receive the "Best mom in the world" superlative. I strive to be the best mom i can every single day.

Describe your favorite workout?

I like short sprints. Anything over a 200 ain't me.

Who is your childhood hero and why?

My childhood hero would have to be my dad. He still is my hero. He was one of the best vaulters in the world and at the same time he was always trying to be the best father he could to me. And he was, without a doubt.

Describe your guilty pleasure.

My guilty pleasure is blueberry donut holes. Don’t put them in front of me they will be gone in 2.5 seconds.

If you could give one piece of advice to any pole vaulter, what would it be and why?

My advice is to be fearless. This is a scary sport and sometimes running down the runway with a monster pole doesn’t feel the most comfortable. Get out of your comfort zone. The moment you trust your ability and stop the hesitation is the moment big things will happen. Jump in every meet like its your last meet and think like a champion and eventually you will become one.

Describe your favorite place to run or train.

Nacogdoches has got some great trails to run in. Every now and then ill wake up really early and stick my headphones in and cruise those trails for about an hour or so. As far as training, I’m blessed to get to jump in one of the best indoor facilities around. My coach's indoor facility is located in Jacksonville, TX and we head out there about twice a week. From the moment you step onto that building-its business. We train hard so when it comes to competition time we know exactly what we need to do to come out with a win or PR.

Dinner with 3 (living or dead) who and why?

Will Farrel because.. he's freaking hilarious. Taylor Swift because she seems like the type of person down for doing crazy shenanigans. And last but not least Rob Dyrdek because he is also hilarious, and I’m trying to get invited to the Fantasy Factory so I can flip a go-Kart into the foam pit.

Describe your pre-vault ritual.

Before I jump I completely chalk up my hands, step on the runway and intensely bend my pole, scream "C'MON" (in a beastly kind of way not a girl scream), and take off down the runway. If anyone interrupts any of these steps, I have to start over from the very beginning.

What does vaulting/training look like for you in the next 6 months?

The next 6 months are going to be huge. I feel like 15'7 is only the beginning for me this season. I'm working hard to get on some big poles in practice so I can clear some big bars in the upcoming meets. I’m hoping to do well at US championships in Boston as well as the NCAA'S. I've got my standards set high for outdoor so I’m ready to get out there and try and make some history. I’ve been waiting a long time to do this and I don’t plan on letting anything stand in my way! There's some unbelievable talent in the women’s pole vault field this year so I definitely cant become comfortable at any point. But competition brings out the best in an athlete so bring it on.