For this week's Friday Focus we caught up with New Balance's Emily Sisson before she toes the line at the CVS 5k Road Championships. We asked her about turning pro after graduating from Providence, her training, and the possibility of a marathon in her future.
Congrats on going pro back in June. How has the transition been so far?
Thank you! So far, so good. It has only been a couple of months really, but I am already loving it! I really enjoyed racing a couple of meets in Europe, otherwise not too much has changed to be honest. I can stay in Providence, continue to be coached by Ray, and run in my same New Balance trainers. One of the biggest differences now is that I have more free time to focus on training. It also still feels surreal putting on my New Balance kit for races!
What are some of the main factors that have led to your continued success and improvement throughout the years?
I used to try to push through any sickness or little nagging pain for the sake of a workout. Now I am much more conservative, and I will push a workout back a few days or skip a second run if I feel a bit beat up or under the weather. I believe it’s consistently stringing weeks and months of proper training together that leads to big improvements.
If you had to pick one, 5K or 10K, and why?
The 10K. I typically feel like a strong runner, so the longer the better! Especially if it is on the roads. I suppose I would only change my mind if it were a huge struggle from the beginning. I’ve heard others say that those races make the 10K feel like an extremely long distance!
Would you ever consider trying to make an Olympic team in the marathon?
Yeah, I look forward to trying the marathon in the future. If it is something I enjoy and can be competitive at, I would love to give it a shot. The roads are my favorite, and the longer the race it seems the more I like it. Give me a couple of years or so….
What is your go-to tune up workout before a big race?
I love my tempos! We have a nice bike path in Providence, and my favorite tempos are run on it. Sometimes, about a week out from a race or so, I will do a partial tempo followed by some faster, shorter intervals. Ideally, I would only do tempos to get race fit, but unfortunately it does not work that way!
You are currently an MBA student and a professional runner, what is it like balancing two full-time schedules?
It’s not too difficult honestly. I actually really enjoy having both! I love having my MBA as something else I am working towards in addition to my running. This year all I have are two classes once a week and training. It leaves me plenty of time to recover between runs. I have also been trying to improve my cooking skills in my free time. Some days are a success. For the days that are not, I keep local restaurants with delivery in my contacts. You would be surprised with how many nice places deliver!
Describe your fondest race memory.
2013 NCAA Cross Country Championships. It is one of those moments that still feels incredible when I think about it. I always preferred racing on the track to the cross country course, but I loved the team aspect of cross. Looking back, I am extremely content with having capped of my cross career with this special moment. Sharing a national title with some of my favorite people is by far the fondest memory.
If you had a day off from your everyday responsibilities, how you would spend it?
I would lie in bed for as long as possible for starters. Then I would head to one of my favorite cafes in Providence (we have a lot of good ones) and catch up with or FaceTime some of my friends. I would finish the day by cooking a nice dinner with my boyfriend, Shane, and having a relaxing evening. I live with three boys so maybe I could have the house to myself for a bit :) Catch up on my E! News or binge watch Sex and the City with a glass of cabernet. That would be lovely. Ah well, the boys are all right! For their company, I would be willing to swap my E! News for some Family Guy and share our comfy couch—but I would still take the glass of wine.
Dinner with three (living or dead) who and why?
I would choose Annika, Arla and Gracie. They are my three sisters, and thank God I get three choices (someone would not have been too happy otherwise). We’re getting busier and it is harder for all of us to get together now. They are amazing girls though and all very unique. Our personalities are as different as our names, so there is never a lack of interesting conversations at the dinner table!
Tell us about your favorite memory with one of your current or past training partners.
Every run with Shelby Greany was guaranteed to be a good one. Sorry, Shelby Goose now. There was never a dull run with her! This always comes across as strange to others, but sometimes we would intentionally go for our second runs around the popular dog walking times on the Blackstone Boulevard. If there was a cute puppy we would have to stop and ask to pet it!
What is your cross training regimen?
I mainly run and then I will rest between runs. I am making an effort to incorporate more core work as well now. I do enjoy doing a bit of yoga every so often as well—more for the stretching and relaxing parts of it.
What is your main goal for the rest of the 2015 year moving into 2016?
The road racing season is coming up for me, so a few solid performances at CVS, Tufts, and the .US 12K are what I am aiming for at the minute. 2016 will be gearing up for the Olympic Trials. I will focus on the 10k this year.
If you could give one piece of advice to any runner, what would it be and why?
Don’t sweat the small stuff! We’re runners and obviously naturally very competitive. It is easy to lose sight of the big picture, but don’t get too caught up in one poor workout or off run. We all have them. As long as I am happy and healthy I have confidence my training will get me where I need to be.