#AskCourtney - Q&A with Courtney Frerichs

#AskCourtney - Q&A with Courtney Frerichs

Sep 21, 2015 by Adam Oestreich
#AskCourtney - Q&A with Courtney Frerichs

We sat down with New Mexico Lobo, Courtney Frerichs for an AMA of sorts on Twitter by using the hashtag, #AskCourtney. Read below the questions and her answers!

What's your favorite restaurant to go to in Kansas City?
- Jack Stack Barbecue

How many evenings a week do you tend to spend at Whole Foods?
- Way to many.. I think it's a problem.

What are you pre-meet rituals?
- There are a lot.. But I watch TLC and drink pedialyte. 

How much do you love your bestie Shelby Houlihan?
- A lot.. Our love started over a Pizookie. A pizza cookie.

Who would win in a caged fight: (UNM Head Coach) Franklin armed with a trident and a net, or (former UMKC Head Coach) Jimmy with a sword and wooden shield?
- Jimmy

If you were on a desert island and you could only take 3 things, what would they be?
- Coffee. Peanut butter. And Griffin Humphreys.

If you had to choose between never seeing Roo (Courtney's cat) again or never having Starbucks again... Which would it be?
- I would choose Starbucks. I love my cat too much.

Has the New Mexico altitude been a tough transition?
- Not really, mainly because I (come from) training in the terrible humidity. 

What is the one thing that shocked you the most when you moved to New Mexico?
- The green chili. It's in everything here.

If you could give one piece of advice to High School girls just starting out, what would you say?
- Have patience and enjoy the process. It's all about the journey.

When are you coming to see your fans in Boston?
- I'll try and get there during the indoor season.

When did you realize you were a muggle?
- Now

What's your favorite music to listen to while running?
- Calvin Harris

Peter Pan or Skippy?
- Peter Pan

When and why did you start running?
- I started running cross country as a senior in high school. I was a soccer player before that.

Hey Court! Can I get a @FloTrack shout out?!
- Shout out to my awesome old roommate Kolton!

Would you rather be in Pitch Perfect or Annie?
- Annie. It was one of my childhood dreams.

What have you learned, running wise, from Rhona Auckland, Alice Wright and Calli Thackery?
- What amazing teammates they are.. and how to work off their strengths to make each other better.

Team NCAA title or individual NCAA title? (Ahhh so hard to answer I know!!)
- A team title. What we have going on here is really special.

What is your favorite type of tree?
- Palm tree

Where is your favorie place in the world to run? Does the season or weather matter?
- I had some amazing runs in Hyde Park in London. It's beautiful. Weather doesn't matter to me.

Hey Courtney! Big fan. I gotta know, who's better in your book: Matthew McConaughey or Tom Hanks?
- Matthew McConaughey

Green or red? (Chili)
- Green. Red is too spicey for me.

Would cross country be more fun if there were water pits on the course?!
- YES. A definite yes.

Better mascot: UMKC Kangaroos or UNM Lobos? Also, which is faster?
- I can't pick one. They would tie in a race.

Of all the seasonal coffee flavors, which one is your favorite?
- Peppermint

Who would win in a rap battle: LDS or Eminiem?
- Who's LDS? Eminem.

Should they move the women's steeple barrier up 3 inches?
- Yes. It would require you to work more on your form.

Why have you only answered one of my questions?
- I have to give everyone a turn.

Thoughts on Seb Coe's idea of XC in the Winter Olympics?
- Yes that would be awesome.

Superman or Batman?
- Superman

What's your favorite cross country workout?
- A 2 to 3 mile tempo on the track.

What is your favorite cross country course?
- I really like Terre Huate. It's been really good to me.

When this is over, can the men of 232 borrow milk for some tea?
- Yes

Pumpkin spice latte, pumpkin bread or pumpkin pie?
- Pumkin spice latte

Royals vs. Cardinals World Series this year??
- Cardinals all the way!

What's the greatest thing you've learned through running?
- There's positives in everything and it's all about the journey in the sport.

Coffee with milk or British Tea?
- Coffee with milk

Lululemon or Vera Bradley?
- Lululemon

What are your individual goals?
- Collegiate steeplechase record and individual steeplechase title.

Has Lobo football made you sad yet?
- I don't watch much football.

If you could have as many cats as you wanted, how many would you have?
- You can never have too many cats!

Have you driven by Walter White's house from Breaking Bad yet?!
- No I haven't..

Have you ever attempted a Beer Mile?
- I've never attempted a beer mile.

What is your favorite steeple workout/drill?
- 4x1k with hurdles where the steeple barriers should be.

Does Roo (Courtney's cat) ever get into trouble like Ellie?
- Yes!

Why don't you call your father more often? (question from Courtney's father Scott)
- I'm having fun with my friends!

Cards or Royals?
- Cardinals. Duh.

Who has been your favorite college roommate? (question from Courtney's old roommate Chris)
- You of course.

What would a cross between a Kangaroo and Lobo be called?
- A Loboroo. Or me.

Who would win in a fight of the Lobo Village girls? Ruth Hayes, Rhona Auckland, Calli (Thackery) or yourself?
- No one. We would never fight. We love each other to much!

Pre-race meal?
- Jimmy Johns

Who's your best friend?
- You. ; ) 

"Thanks to everyone for joining me tonight and for the awesome questions!" - CF #AskCourtney

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