5 Tips On How To Get Rid Of Blisters
5 Tips On How To Get Rid Of Blisters
Let's face it: runners struggle with blisters on their feet. Here are some tips on how to get rid of them.

Whether you're running, jumping, or throwing things, getting blisters can be a serious nuisance. These fluid-filled pockets which form on the skin can be extremely irritating and just downright painful. They're generally caused by the skin's response to overwhelming friction or heat.
Because blisters, believe it or not, actually give the skin time to heal, it's not advised to hastily burst or pop your blisters. Instead, you can alleviate the pain of a blister with a number of home remedies, such as aloe vera treatment, apple cider vinegar, diaper rash ointment, vaseline, or coconut oil.
Here's a quick rundown on how to use these different remedies:
Aloe Vera
Used to treat burns and inflammation on the skin, aloe vera gel can also help treat the negative side effects of having blisters on your hands or feet. In stimulating cell reproduction, producing collagen, and serving as an anti-inflammatory, the gel can greatly help your blisters through a gentle application on the skin.
Aloe vera gel, or ointments and products containing aloe vera, can be easily bought over the counter. There are no significant side effects associated with aloe, so it is a safe product to use and worth applying risk-free to your skin.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has become known as something of a cure-all by now. Among many things, it is good for digestion, lowering blood sugar levels, killing harmful bacterias, assisting with weight loss, and improving heart health. You can also add healing blisters to the list.
Even though vinegar can sting when it makes contact with a blister, its anti-bacterial properties can limit the risk of infection and further development of a blister on the skin.
Diaper Rash Ointment
Diaper rash ointment is another home remedy you can use to control your blisters. It has zinc-oxide in it which helps to dry out the area around the blister and prevent infection. Although it can be messy, diaper rash ointment helps soothe the skin and relieve the burning pain.
Simply apply the cream onto your blister and onto the surrounding areas around the wound.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil contains a substance called "lauric acid," which is a fatty acid that can hydrate the skin and limit inflammation. The oil helps your skin tissues to repair and grow back healthier.
You can soak a cotton ball in the oil and dab it onto the skin to promote healing to the blister.
Well known for its numerous uses on the skin, vaseline can also be used as a great remedy for blisters. Petroleum jelly is particularly useful for blisters that have burst open or have been cracked open. In this situation, don't rip off the flap of skin that has become partially detached, just apply vaseline over the wound and around the area as a whole.
Hopefully these quick and easy remedies help your blisters the next time you need a quick fix ahead of a big race or a training session. Band-Aids are also helpful if you happen to be running or throwing with a blister already, as they prevent further tearing or cracking.