4 Tips On How To Stretch Sneakers
4 Tips On How To Stretch Sneakers
Here's how you can stretch your sneakers out if they're just a tad too tight on your feet!
![4 Tips On How To Stretch Sneakers](https://d2779tscntxxsw.cloudfront.net/585172e5408cd.jpeg?width=1200&quality=80)
There are millions of identical pairs of shoes out there, but zero identical pairs of feet. Each of our bodies is slightly different from one another, and the same goes with our feet.
Therefore, every pair of shoes will take some adjusting to on behalf of the feet in order to break them in. Occasionally the shoes will be a bit too snug, too narrow, or not quite long enough. This can cause discomfort, cramping, and blisters if it's bad, and there's hardly a quicker way to ruin your runs than that!
Here are some tips on how to stretch out your sneakers so that they don't suffocate your feet:
1.) The Blow Dryer Method
One of the most common ways people like to stretch out their shoes is by using a couple of pairs of thick socks and a blow dryer. Sounds crazy, right? Well, it is, but what's crazier is that this really works!
Simply put on two pairs of thick socks -- wool socks work well -- and squeeze into your sneakers. If the shoes won't even get onto your foot then take off one of the two pairs of socks. Then get your blow dryer and put it at medium heat and blow onto the areas where the shoes are extra tight for 20-30 seconds at a time.
2.) Wear the Shoes All Day
This is the simplest and easiest trick -- if you even want to call it a trick -- to stretch out your sneakers. All you've got to do is keep them on your feet all day. If they're especially tight this could get uncomfortable, but by keeping the shoes on all day while you're at work, at school, or at home will continually break them in. The shoes should slowly but surely adapt to your feet as you walk around. The material won't remain so stiff and will relax a bit, allowing the sneakers to stretch out.
3.) The Ziploc Bag Trick
A good way to stretch out your sneakers overnight is by getting a Ziploc bags, filling them with water, and stuffing them inside of your shoes. You'll then put your shoes in the freezer overnight, where the water will freeze, causing it to expand and open up your shoes some more.
Make sure when you do this trick that you place the Ziploc bag in areas of the shoe that are particularly tight on your foot. These spots will get the most stretch when the water freezes and expands.
4.) Stuff Your Shoes with a Potato
This one might be the wackiest method, but it works all the same! Take a big potato and peel it, then mold the front of the potato to match the shape of the front of the inside part of your shoe. Stuff that potato in there and leave it overnight. It should stretch out the shoe a decent amount, but it won't be any sort of change that is too drastic.
Take these tips with you and get those overly tight shoes to fit just right so you can comfortably tear up the running trails!