Track & Field Memes That Are A Little Too True

Track & Field Memes That Are A Little Too True

After a day of jumping hurdles and practicing for track meets, there is no better way to blow off steam than to make track and field memes. See some now!

Jun 1, 2022 by FloTrack Staff
Track & Field Memes That Are A Little Too True

After a long day of jumping hurdles - literally - and practicing for track meets, there's no better way to blow off steam than to make track and field memes and share them with your fellow runners.

They're a great way to show the struggles of the sport through a humorous lens, and when you're able to strike the perfect balance with a meme that's almost a little too true, you're sure to get an extra laugh out of your friends.

Looking for some to share? We've got you covered.

Why Haven't You Run Yet?

Don't miss it. Click here.

Sure, running can be a great way to blow off steam, but after a particularly stressful day, staying on the benches can seem far more appealing. That is, until you're called out by your coach.

We've all been there, making excuses as to why we can't or shouldn't run. In the end, we always end up putting on our shoes and hitting the track again.

Anatomy Of A 400m Race

See it here.

Every race has its highs and lows. Honestly, they sometimes feel like the five stages of grief. 

@KlosinskiKyle on Twitter has labeled out the "anatomy" of a 400m race, including the euphoric high of "I can smell the finish line" and the burning low of "this must be what hell feels like."

We've all been there. At the end of the day, though, nothing beats the feeling of a strong finish.

We Got Repeats Today

Take a look here.

We've all been there. Nobody wants to do repeats in practice, and honestly, some of us would rather play dead than put ourselves through that voluntarily.

Now, the question that remains is this: who's the imposter on the team...?

The Athletic Department Is Broke

Check out this meme here.

Listen, we all know that some schools' funding has taken some serious hits over the past few years. However, while sports like track and field have to beg and plead for funding, many football teams seem to get bonus funding just for breathing.

While this can be frustrating for athletes trying to compete at a higher level, sometimes the best way to commiserate with your teammates and vent your frustration is through a slightly petty meme.

Final Thoughts

Track and field often is overlooked, underfunded and underestimated in schools, both by administration and by fellow classmates. However, after a long, hard day of practice, nothing beats the rush of setting a new personal best or finally winning a race.

Try channeling those feelings, both good and bad, into some fun memes to share with your teammates, and tag them on the ones we've shared above for good measure. They're sure to get a kick out of it.