Genevieve LaCaze on making the Aussie Olympic team


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Gen LaCaze talks about all the help she got in getting Athletics Australia to reverse themselves and name her to the Olympic team. Oh, and she ran a 1500 PR too. In an awesome display of what the track & field community can do when they put their efforts together....Genevieve LaCaze will get her Olympic Dream as Athletics Australia has announced they will be be sending her today London with Team Australia! We posted on our facebook wall on Wednesday evening (scroll down to see) that reached over 30,000 people (with over 1,300 likes) while others made a FB page (Send LaCaze to London) and formed an online petition. Its hard to believe the group effort wasn't the extra edge needed for the situation to be brought to light and addressed successfully! Congrats to Genevieve and to all that help make it happen. See you in London! See announcement here: