2013 Indoor Track and Field on Flotrack

Jogging Day - The 50th Anniversary

Jogging Day - The 50th Anniversary

Feb 3, 2013 by Justin Britton
Jogging Day - The 50th Anniversary

The Beatles, "To Kill A Mocking Bird", The invention of the "Smiley Face" and the first time that ZIP codes were implemented in the U.S. These are just a few of the crucial events that made 1963 special in our hearts.  

Wait, wait, wait... something else happened that was a bit more meaningful to runners.

February 3rd, 1963, 50 years ago to the day, jogging was born. The country's first joggers consisted of businessmen in suits, women in peachy dresses, and children wide-eyed with large coats.

Photo: Lydiard Foundation

Two hundred men and women showed up on this day after getting word of a new concept being introduced at the U of Oregon. Bill Bowerman, the man behind the "Waffle Iron Show," began preaching this idea he brought back from New Zealand, after a visit with famous Kiwi coach, Arthur Lydiard.

Before swoosh-marked shoes, water bottles and GPS watches, history was made while participants wore tennis shoes and flats.

The jogging phenomenon also shaped social norms. Before this, if someone were to go out on the roads on a run, it was considered dangerous and even subversive.  After this first meeting that Bowerman had set up, he then told everyone who came to spread the word and to get out for a jog!  No one really understood what the term, "jog" truly meant and people weren't fond of going out to "just run around" because of public perception.

For people that are born later than the '60s, it's usually hard to accept that jogging didn't exist prior to 1963. Rapid changes were occurring, as housewives, elders and factory workers were seen out on their daily jog. An odd sight to see at the time, but this became regular amongst the masses soon enough.

Jogging caught on fire and Bowerman had sparked it.

In the time that passed, the numbers of people that came out for these group jogging sessions had began to sky rocket! From a small group of about 200 people when they all first met on February 3rd, the numbers shot up to 2,000. As time passed, as many as 5,000 people were participating in these group runs.

This morning, in celebration of the worldwide event of jogging, there was a 5-mile run or "jog" that began at the Nike Store at the Oakway Center to Hayward Field and back to Oakway's Eugene Running Co. Also, Kenny Moore (Oregon athlete under Bowerman) was at Hayward to make remarks pertaining to the importance of the man who preached jogging and the act of jogging itself.

Photo: @Nikerunning

Bowerman loved testing the limits of the human body and heart. If he were to be alive to see how the "jogging" community has expanded, he would be exceptionally elated. In communities, towns, and cities throughout the world today, you can step outside your door or drive your car through the neighboorhood and you can almost guarantee that you will see someone, boy or girl, man, or woman out there, getting their run in.

For 50 years now, Bill Bowerman has instilled this quote into many runners of all ages when they consider not going out for their run because of the weather.  He has not only taught us that running is great for the mind and body, but he's also made us into tough people determined to just do it.

"There's no such thing as bad weather, just soft people"- Bill Bowerman