Friday Focus: Robby Andrews

Friday Focus: Robby Andrews

Sep 2, 2014 by Giovanni Reyes
Friday Focus: Robby Andrews

In our weekly Q&A segment we asked Robby Andrews a few questions about life on and off the track. We caught up with him before he started his fall semester at the University of Virginia.

Describe your childhood dream.

My childhood dream was to play in the NBA and be the best basketball player of all time. Unfortunately a number of factors limited that dream. If the Knicks ever call, I'll be game ready.

Describe your fondest race memory.

One race I am especially fond of is running in a 4x800m this winter season with my NJNY teammates at the Boston Indoor Grand Prix. We ended up losing a world record by .11, but the way each member of the team fought with everything they had made that extremely memorable to me. The whole atmosphere of the event was something special, including the teams we competed against that day.

If you weren't running, what would you be doing and why?

If I wasn't running I would be teaching physical education at a high school. I hope to help young adults make decisions about health and physical fitness that they can take with them for the rest of their lives. I am also interested in coaching at the high school level, but I still have a lot to learn before I accept that responsibility.

Describe your worst habit.

My worst habit is caring too much about my friends.

Describe the kind of kid you were in high school.

I was not a track nerd until I was a senior in high school. I played basketball my freshman and sophomore years, and was much more invested in that than cross country or track. My senior year I realized that running could take me to college, my dad and I came up with some lofty goals for the coming year, with every workout and every run with those goals in mind.

If you had a day off from your everyday responsibilities, how you would spend it.

I would get in my car, drive to Montana, pick up Pat Casey and hang out for the rest of the day. It would be an epic day.

Describe your most embarrassing moment as an athlete.

In my first ever race as a professional, before I signed with adidas, I ran an 800m race at George Mason University in April of 2012. I was so nervous for the race that I left my spikes and uniform at my house in Charlottesville. Luckily, Alan Webb let me borrow his spikes and my dad had a spare uniform in his car. But I was so embarrassed when I had to tell Vig that I left the only two items essential to track and field at home. Not a good way to start my professional career!

Who is your celebrity crush and why?

Beyoncé, because she's #Flawless. Or Katniss Everdeen because she's on fire... Or The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, no explanation needed.

Describe the perfect post-race meal in detail.

Grandma's. Chicken. Parm.

Describe your favorite workout?

A good strong run 45-60 minutes and then barefoot strides on turf or grass is easily my favorite workout. The thrill of running barefoot makes me feel like I'm playing tag in my front yard and I'm running for my life trying not to get caught.

If you could be another T&F athlete who would you be and why?

Kyle Merber, so that I could have the best Instagram and Twitter in track and field.

Dream place to run or try and why?

I would love to go to the moon and give "running" a try up there. Otherwise, I would like to visit New Zealand at some point in my life and do some training there.

Who is your childhood hero and why?

My childhood hero was the Red Ranger because he was the leader and coolest of the Power Rangers. I wanted nothing more than to be like him when I was younger. I was a Power Ranger for 4 consecutive years for Halloween and even sometimes not on Halloween. I took karate classes and everything to be like him.

Describe your guilty pleasure.

Chick-fil-A, something about only being able to have it 6 days a week makes me feel like I have to have it every one of those 6 days.

If you had to listen to 1 song in your head every time you ran for the rest of you life, what would it be?

There was one trip to New York I took while I was in college and I had Kesha's Tik Tok on repeat for the entire 7 hour drive. Since then I haven't listened to any song on repeat. So, I would rather not listen to any song than just one song.

Dinner for 3 (living or dead) who and why?

Rocky, Sylvester Stallone, and Rambo. It would be worth it even if I only understood half of what they said.

Describe your pre-race ritual.

Right before a race I will say a prayer and then jump as high as I can to intimidate my competitors, because how high you can jump is directly correlated to how fast you can run. And I wear either a black or white undershirt depending on the mood I'm in.

When traveling what do you miss most about home and why?

My cats. If you are my Snapchat friend, you would fully understand.

What does running/racing look like for you in the next 6 months?

I am currently in Charlottesville finishing my undergraduate degree, so I will be training down here with some of the Club Cross Country guys and maybe an old teammate. I hope to run a 5K at a turkey trot and then indoors go after some fast times, and hopefully get the 4x800m world record with the NJNY Track Club.