picture of Shelby Hayes

Best of 2010 - Best New Event

Dec 19, 2010

In the 1960's, 3 high school boys ran sub-4 minutes for the mile during a 4 year period. Since then only one American prep, Alan Webb, has gone under the barrier. Many felt that there have been athletes in that time with the potential to break 4, but did not have the opportunity. This lead adidas to create the Jim Ryun Dream Mile. A dozen of the top high school boy and girl middle distance runners were flow to New York to compete in a High School only race during the NYC Grand Prix, a Diamond League meet. In its first year, we did not see a sub-4, but we saw super fast times on both sides. The top of the national leader boards were filled with the times run during the Dream Mile which is why this earns the Best New Event Award for 2010. We can't wait to see what the 2011 race has to bring, as both the 2010 Champs were underclassmen.