picture of Mathieu Gentes

NTLCommissioner Mat Gentes enlightens the public of the NTL and the future to come

Jul 18, 2012

The National Track League, or what many have come used to noting it by as the NTL, just finished up it's second year of existence and it seems to have a bright future on the line. The NTL can be compared to the European Circuit, when everyone (a great amount of the North Americans) heads over to Europe to race in the post-trials/post NCAA meets that the various cities in Europe hold. The NTL is hoping that these athletes that travel overseas as well as some of the others from around the world, will compete in the NTL and provide a vast field of competition for all who enter. Listen in as the Commissioner of the NTL, Mat Gentes gives us an insight of what has already been accomplished thus far and what is in store for years to come.