Time Trial #2 and Football!!!

Time Trial #2 and Football!!!

Time Trial #2 and Football!!!

Sep 8, 2011 by Aaron Braun
Time Trial #2 and Football!!!
My training in the last couple weeks has been going really well. Annika and I have pretty much gotten settled into our new place, so its been easy to get the focus back on running. I've been doing a lot of solid steady states, and some really good long runs. The mileage has started to come together, and as a result I am starting to feel really aerobically strong. On Monday, Scott and I had our second time trial of the season; this one was two miles on the track. I liked the distance, because I figured it would be a great tune-up for the CVS 5k race I'll be running next Sunday. We started out the first mile under control, not wanting the altitude to get the best of us. The 5th lap was again my turn to lead, and after seeing the first mile split (4:38) I wanted to start picking it up so I would still have a shot of breaking 9. I picked it up a little too much, running a 65, then finished the 2 miles in a decent 9:06. I was ok with the time, I wanted faster, but the wind, and pacing made it tougher. It was also good to learn what kind of condition I am in; I am excited on where I am in strength, but sharpness will still need to be something to work on in the coming weeks.

Anyway, let's move on to something I'm really excited about: NFL Football! Tonight is the opening game of the season, and the excitement continues on Sunday, and Monday night. There are so many reasons I'm excited for football this season. First of all, I'm a huge Broncos fan, and I'm excited to move on from the disaster that was the Josh McDaniels era. I'm excited to see what improvements John Fox can make to a defense that was terrible last year; and so far, it looks as if Von Miller will be a huge help. Like many Bronco fans, I would love to see Tim Tebow play, but the coaches are in charge of that decision for some reason right? I am a fan, but I am also realistic, and think that a 6 or 7 win season would be a good year for Denver in 2011.

But that brings me to my other big reason for why I'm excited for the regular season to get going: Fantasy Football. The best thing about fantasy football, is that even throughout a terrible season for your favorite team (see my Broncos of last year) you can still enjoy the season as your fantasy team(s) have success. I'd like to think that if I were able to go professional in fantasy football, I would be at least as successful in that as I am in running. This year, just like last year, I will have 5 different fantasy teams in 4 different leagues (yes one league I'm in, everyone has 2 teams, one full of AFC players, the other full of NFC players). I am the defending champion in two of those leagues, and made the semi-finals in the other 2. This year, like any other, I will be setting my goals sky high, aiming to win all 4 leagues. Which brings me to my final point about fantasy; it is a great place to talk trash to friends in your league(s). So to all my competing managers: Grab a big spoon, and get ready to taste defeat!

The trophy I will be keeping after defending my title