Cross Country 2011: Tips for Incoming Freshmen Pt. 2

Cross Country 2011: Tips for Incoming Freshmen Pt. 2

Cross Country 2011: Tips for Incoming Freshmen Pt. 2

Aug 23, 2011 by Zach Ornelas
Cross Country 2011: Tips for Incoming Freshmen Pt. 2

Continuing yesterday’s list (which happened to make the front page of Flotrack) here is my 2nd installment on advice for incoming freshmen for the 2011 Cross Country Season.

Nice stride babe


Prevention: If you are going to be seriously dedicated to this sport, you will do all that you can to prevent injuries. Here’s what you need to do:
Ice baths- I take 5 a week
Rolling Out- Every day, several times a day
See Your Trainer- They can give you ice and stem, massage you, and give you strengthening/rehab exercises (shout out to Christie! Thanks for all your help!)
SLEEP- Don’t be an idiot. Go to bed, get 9-10 hours of sleep. This is one of the biggest problems with freshmen. You want to go hang out with your new friends, stay on facebook until 3am, and wait until 11pm to start your homework. Avoid that BS and be responsible with your time management. You need a proper amount of sleep to recover Plus don’t get injured because you’ve been chasing tail all week staying up late. “If it hasn’t happened by midnight, it’s not gunna happen”- Ron Warhurst words of wisdom.
“KEEP IT SIMPLE, BE BORING”- Alex Gibby. You chose to be an elite athlete. Live like one. Eat, run, sleep, rest, and fit a little bit of swag in when you can.


Now I’m not going to guarantee that you will deal with some sort of injury over the next year, but it’s pretty likely that you will encounter some sort of injury whether minor or serious in our sport. Especially if you’re not taking the necessary steps above to prevent them.

-Don’t obsess over it. This can lead to depression. Depression does not help you recover, in fact it sets you back even more.
-Do all you can to make it better, see your trainer and do all the rehab you can.
-Listen to what your coach tells you, when you are injured he or she probably knows whats best for you to be doing in terms of cross training, don’t take training into your own hands.
-It’s not the end of the world. Realize this. Ask any of the best runners in the nation, guarantee they’ve dealt with injuries. They happen, it’s part of our sport, you deal with them properly and get through them.


Now I’m not telling you to go out and drink. I would never endorse underage drinking on this blog, I’m not stupid. BUT, although I just told you about how serious you need to be about your training, if you’re too serious it won’t do you any good. Maybe in the off-season go check out that block party, let yourself relax and enjoy college. It’s only 4 years, you’re thrown out into the real world when this thing is over.

Relax, have some fun, love America.

At least one more installment of this series to come!